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' Caption: Find/Replace RegExpr...|
' Hint: Find and Replace with Regular Expression|
' Icon: regexpfind.ico|
' syn
' Copyright (C) 2000-2003, Ascher Stefan. All rights reserved.
' stievie@utanet.at, http://web.utanet.at/ascherst/
' The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
' Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
' with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
' http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
' Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
' WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for
' the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
' The Original Code is regexpfind.vbs, released Sun, 26 May 2002 10:55:39 UTC.
' The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ascher Stefan.
' Portions created by Ascher Stefan are Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Ascher Stefan.
' All Rights Reserved.
' Contributor(s): .
' Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the
' GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), in which case
' the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of those above.
' If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only under the terms
' of the GPL and not to allow others to use your version of this file
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' replace them with the notice and other provisions required by the GPL.
' If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your version
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' You may retrieve the latest version of this file at the syn home page,
' located at http://syn.sourceforge.net/
' $Id: regexpfind.vbs,v 2003/08/13 00:38:45 neum Exp $
' Find and replace Text in the Active Document using Regular Expressions
option explicit
dim FindDialog
dim FindWhatEdit
dim ReplaceWithEdit
dim FindButton, ReplaceButton
dim CancelButton
dim chkIgnoreCase
dim rgScope, rgDirection
dim RegExpr
dim MIndex
dim RMatches
dim SelBegin
const RegKey = "HKCU\Software\Ascher\syn\Macros"
'#include <cmnfunc.vbs>
'#include <consts.vbs>
sub FindEditChange(Sender)
FindButton.Enabled = Len(FindWhatEdit.Text) > 0
ReplaceButton.Enabled = Len(FindWhatEdit.Text) > 0
end sub
sub SelectMatch(start, length)
start = start + SelBegin
with ActiveDocument
.SelStart = start
.SelEnd = start + length
end with
end sub
sub Match()
dim InString
RegExpr.Pattern = FindWhatEdit.Text
RegExpr.IgnoreCase = chkIgnoreCase.Checked
RegExpr.Global = true
if rgScope.ItemIndex = 0 then
InString = ActiveDocument.Text
SelBegin = 0
InString = ActiveDocument.SelText
SelBegin = Activedocument.SelStart - 1
end if
set RMatches = RegExpr.Execute(InString)
end sub
sub FindClick(Sender)
dim RetStr
dim pos1, pos2
if RegExpr.Pattern <> FindWhatEdit.Text then
if rgDirection.ItemIndex = 0 then
MIndex = 0
MIndex = RMatches.Count - 1
end if
if rgDirection.ItemIndex = 0 then
MIndex = MIndex + 1
MIndex = MIndex - 1
end if
end if
if RMatches.Count > 0 then
if rgDirection.ItemIndex = 0 then
if MIndex < RMatches.Count then
pos1 = RMatches(MIndex).FirstIndex
pos2 = Len(RMatches(MIndex).Value)
SelectMatch pos1, pos2
MsgBox "No more Matches found.", vbInformation
end if
if MIndex => 0 then ' 0-based
pos1 = RMatches(MIndex).FirstIndex
pos2 = Len(RMatches(MIndex).Value)
SelectMatch pos1, pos2
MsgBox "No more Matches found.", vbInformation
end if
end if
MsgBox "No Matches found.", vbInformation
end if
end sub
sub ReplaceClick(Sender)
if RegExpr.Test(ActiveDocument.SelText) then
ActiveDocument.SelText = ReplaceWithEdit.Text
MIndex = MIndex - 1
end if
end sub
sub AddItem(Combo)
dim tmp
dim ix
const MaxHis = 10 ' Change this value to have more or less Items in the ComboBox List
if Combo.Text = "" then exit sub
tmp = Combo.Text
ix = Combo.Items.IndexOf(Combo.Text)
if ix > -1 then
Combo.Items.Move ix, 0
Combo.Items.Insert 0, Combo.Text
end if
if Combo.Items.Count > MaxHis then
Combo.Items.Delete MaxHis - 1
end if
Combo.Text = tmp
end sub
sub FormShow(Sender)
' Load Settings
FindWhatEdit.Items.Text = RegGetSettings(AddBackslash(RegKey) & "re_searchhis", "")
ReplaceWithEdit.Items.Text = RegGetSettings(AddBackslash(RegKey) & "re_replacehis", "")
chkIgnoreCase.Checked = RegGetSettings(AddBackslash(RegKey) & "re_ignorecase", false)
rgScope.ItemIndex = RegGetSettings(AddBackslash(RegKey) & "re_scope", 0)
rgDirection.ItemIndex = RegGetSettings(AddBackslash(RegKey) & "re_dir", 0)
if ActiveDocument.BlockBeginY = ActiveDocument.BlockEndY then
FindWhatEdit.Text = ActiveDocument.WordAtCaret
end if
FindEditChange null
end sub
sub FormDestroy(Sender)
' Save Settings
if FindWhatEdit.Items.Count > 0 then
RegSetSettings AddBackslash(RegKey) & "re_searchhis", FindWhatEdit.Items.Text
end if
if ReplaceWithEdit.Items.Count > 0 then
RegSetSettings AddBackslash(RegKey) & "re_replacehis", ReplaceWithEdit.Items.Text
end if
RegSetSettings AddBackslash(RegKey) & "re_ignorecase", chkIgnoreCase.Checked
RegSetSettings AddBackslash(RegKey) & "re_scope", rgScope.ItemIndex
RegSetSettings AddBackslash(RegKey) & "re_dir", rgDirection.ItemIndex
end sub
sub Main(dummy)
dim Label1, Label2
if Documents.Count = 0 then
MsgBox "No Document open. Open a Document and test this excellent Script!!!!!", vbCritical
exit sub
end if
FindDialog = Create("TForm", Self, "FindForm")
with FindDialog
.Caption = "Find/Replace using Regular Expression"
.Position = "poOwnerFormCenter"
.BorderStyle = "bsDialog"
.Width = 370
.Height = 180
.OnShow = "FormShow"
.OnDestroy = "FormDestroy"
end with
Label1 = Create("TLabel", FindDialog)
with Label1
.Parent = FindDialog
.Caption = "&Find what:"
.Left = 8
.Top = 12
.FocusControl = FindWhatEdit
end with
FindWhatEdit = Create("TComboBox", FindDialog)
with FindWhatEdit
.Parent = FindDialog
.Left = 80
.Top = 8
.Width = 190
.Height = 21
.OnChange = "FindEditChange"
end with
Label2 = Create("TLabel", FindDialog)
with Label2
.Parent = FindDialog
.Caption = "&Replace with:"
.Left = 8
.Top = 35
.FocusControl = ReplaceWithEdit
end with
ReplaceWithEdit = Create("TComboBox", FindDialog)
with ReplaceWithEdit
.Parent = FindDialog
.Left = 80
.Top = 33
.Width = 190
.Height = 21
end with
FindButton = Create("TButton", FindDialog)
with FindButton
.Parent = FindDialog
.Caption = "F&ind"
.Default = true
.Left = 280
.Top = 7
.Width = 75
.Enabled = false
.Hint = "Find Match"
.OnClick = "FindClick"
end with
ReplaceButton = Create("TButton", FindDialog)
with ReplaceButton
.Parent = FindDialog
.Caption = "R&eplace"
.Left = 280
.Top = 40
.Width = 75
.Enabled = false
.Hint = "Replace Match"
.OnClick = "ReplaceClick"
end with
CancelButton = Create("TButton", FindDialog)
with CancelButton
.Parent = FindDialog
.Caption = "&Close"
.Cancel = true
.ModalResult = mrCancel
.Left = 280
.Top = 120
.Width = 75
.Hint = "Close this Dialog"
end with
chkIgnoreCase = Create("TCheckBox", FindDialog)
with chkIgnoreCase
.Parent = FindDialog
.Caption = "&Ignore Case"
.Left = 8
.Top = 68
end with
rgScope = Create("TRadioGroup", FindDialog)
with rgScope
.Parent = FindDialog
.Caption = "Scope"
.Left = 8
.Top = 90
.Height = 55
.Width = 130
.Items.Add("&Entire Document")
.Items.Add("&Selection only")
.ItemIndex = 0
end with
rgDirection = Create("TRadioGroup", FindDialog)
with rgDirection
.Parent = FindDialog
.Caption = "Direction"
.Left = 150
.Top = 90
.Height = 55
.Width = 120
.ItemIndex = 0
end with
set RegExpr = new RegExp
set RegExpr = nothing
end sub